Thursday, March 28, 2013

New Beginnings

Like a lot of people I have started and stopped diet for so long, I don't think I know any other way. And while I am fortunate enough have the ability to spend a lot of time fixing my health, I have actively decided not to. But now that I am getting older and I am thinking about having a family and planning out the rest of my life, the one thing that is staring me in the face is my health. 

Weight. Such a terrible word. I was never a skinny girl, but I was never overweight, I was always in he normal BMI bracket until college. My first year at college was my first ten pounds, and then another 10, and then another. And now here I am at 245 pounds. I should weigh (according to BMI) somewhere between 110-150 pounds. That 100 pounds! I have to lose like an entire person in order to just be considered healthy. 

As much as it bothers me on a self-image level that I am overweight, it really isn't about that for me this time. I was never the picture of health, I got sick every once in a while, but these days I have asthma, allergies, lung infections all the time, bad back, you name it I have it. The only correlation I have been able to draw is that the more weight I put on the more health problems I have. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not going to sit here and say I am not in it only to be healthy, I want to look good to. No girl likes growing out of jeans and then having to go shopping for another pair that are the next size up and then looking terrible in them. I would never expect to be a size 0, hell I wouldn't want to be. But I would love to be on normal side of sizes, 6-8 is my goal. 

I think another reason why my diets in the past have failed is that my husband was never on the same diet he is. He is blessed with one of those metabolisms and bodies that can eat anything and still weight 180 at 6 feet. But this time he announces to me that he wants to be on the exact same plan I am. To say I was shocked would be an understatement, but that's the kind of awesome guy he is. 

So over the next day or so I am going to post pictures of our current state and our current measurements, and then outline our diet plans. We will tell you what works for us, what food we like, what books we read, and everything health related. I also plan to get a physical when I can get into the doctor's office and I will give you an update on where I stand health wise. I hope that anyone who stumbles upon this blog finds something that helps them along their own personal journey. I can't wait to engage with people and compare notes. Let's all try and beat this obesity epidemic together.